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How to Use a Salt Spreader

How to Use a Salt Spreader

The importance of safe, navigable pathways becomes more than a convenience as the harsh UK winter unfurls its blanket of frost and snow - it becomes a necessity

Whether you're safeguarding a small driveway or a sprawling commercial space, the right tools make all the difference in battling ice and snow. 

Can you use a fertilizer spreader for salt? Not if you value precision and durability. Specialized salt spreaders are uniquely designed to handle the corrosive nature of salt and distribute it evenly, ensuring your surfaces remain ice-free with minimal effort. 

That’s why we’ll introduce you to the premier grit salt spreader in the UK here at Jennychem and walk you through how to use a salt spreader so you can protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community - in the most simple and efficient manner possible!

You're not just purchasing a salt spreader with Jennychem, you're investing in peace of mind and assurance this winter. Discover the nuances of using a salt spreader effectively, from selecting premium de-icing salt to achieving maximum coverage below.

Why You Need a Jennychem Salt Spreader This Winter Season

Winter can transform ordinary walkways into treacherous paths. Ice forms quickly and often invisibly, leading to hazardous conditions that can cause slips and falls. 

According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) of the UK, slips and trips are the most common cause of injury at work, and the risk escalates dramatically in winter conditions. In this sense, there are two reasons to invest in a salt spreader: protection from injury and protection from lawsuits/compliance issues.

A Jennychem Salt Spreader is not just a tool, it's a preventative measure. It’s equipped with an easily maneuverable design to uniformly distribute salt over icy surfaces, effectively lowering the freezing point of water to prevent ice formation and ensure safety for pedestrians and vehicles alike.

Can I Use a Fertilizer Spreader for Salt?

You may be thinking to yourself…I already have a seed spreader on hand. Can I use a fertilizer spreader for salt too? After all, you want to save money and space in storage as well.

While it might be tempting to use a fertilizer spreader for salt due to their similar mechanics, it is not advisable. Fertilizer spreaders are often not designed to handle the corrosive nature of salt. 

Jennychem Salt Spreaders, on the other hand, are specially designed to withstand corrosion. They ensure that the salt is spread effectively without damaging the equipment, ensuring longevity and reliability.

The Unique Design of Our Salt Spreaders to Improve Safety and Efficiency

Jennychem Salt Spreaders stand out with their innovative features designed to maximise safety and efficiency. The vibrant orange hopper and red safety light provide high visibility in low-light conditions, while the custom-fit handle light illuminates your path to safeguard the operator. 

The inclusion of both winter and summer sliders allows for year-round use, whether you’re spreading salt to de-ice in winter or fertilize in the summer.

The Cresco 10 Winter Spreader, with its solid rod linkage and pattern adjustor, ensures consistent spread, reducing waste and ensuring even coverage. 

The Cresco 28 winter spreader is great for larger-scale operations with its dedicated salt agitator and larger capacity. You can rest assured its equipped to tackle any winter challenge thrown its way. But, the salt spreader is just one piece of the puzzle…

Invest in the Best De-Icing Salt at Jennychem While You’re at it!

A premium salt spreader is your frontline defense in the battle against icy winters, but the quality of de-icing salt used is equally vital. The right de-icing product not only ensures efficient ice melting but also impacts the environment, surfaces, and the safety of those treading on them. 

The effectiveness of your efforts hinges on the salt's purity and composition, which determines how quickly ice melts and how long surfaces remain clear. Jennychem understands this balance, which is why we offer a selection of top-tier de icing salt tailored for different needs and conditions. 

Our White De-Icing Salt is a nearly 100% pure sodium chloride solution, harvested sustainably from the Mediterranean. It's a clean option that leaves no residue, making it ideal for areas where cleanliness is paramount. It also complies with BS3247:2011 standards.

Our Brown De-Icing Salt & Grit is a robust choice for more heavy-duty requirements. Also conforming to BS3247:2011, it's mined in the UK & Ireland and includes 5-8% natural grit for traction - perfect for roads and car parks.

And for those seeking a fast-acting, environmentally conscious option, our Icemelt Super Therm is unmatched. It melts ice eight times faster than rock salt and prevents refreezing, covering a vast area with less product. Safe for pets yet effective in extreme conditions, it's the superior choice for a quick and enduring response to winter’s icy grip.

By pairing our salt spreader with our de-icing salt, you are well on your way to protecting your property and thus, your loved ones, your community, and of course, yourself! That being said, let’s talk about how to use a salt spreader for maximum coverage in minimum time.

How to Use a Salt Spreader for Maximum Coverage in Minimum Time

Ensuring your paths, driveways, and communal areas remain ice-free is not just a matter of convenience but of safety as winter's grip tightens. Jennychem Salt Spreaders are designed to empower you to maintain these areas effectively and efficiently. 

Here’s how to use a salt spreader to enjoy peace of mind knowing you’re safe and compliant, while also getting the job done fast so you can get back inside to the warmth!

Setting Up Your Salt Spreader for Optimal Performance

Make sure your salt spreader is set up correctly before embarking on your de-icing endeavor. Fill the hopper with the appropriate Jennychem de-icing salt, taking care not to overfill to prevent unnecessary strain on the mechanisms. 

Adjust the flow settings according to the salt granularity and the coverage area you are targeting. For example, use a higher setting for coarser brown rock salt and a lower one for the finer white de-icing salt.

Calibrate your spreader according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure that you are not dispensing too much or too little salt. Over-application can be as ineffective as under-application and can also lead to environmental damage along with cost inefficiency. 

Techniques for Even Salt Distribution

Actually using the salt spreader is as simple and straightforward as it gets. With your equipment set up and ready to go, simply start walking and the salt will fall on the ground underneath you! But, we do want to talk about how to use a salt spreader to ensure even salt distribution. 

Even salt distribution is crucial for melting ice thoroughly and preventing re-freezing. To achieve this, start by walking at a steady pace. Your walking speed will influence the spread - too fast, and you’ll under-apply. On the other hand, you’ll over-apply if you walk too slowly. The key is consistency.

Use overlapping paths to ensure complete coverage without gaps. If your spreader has a side deflector, use it to keep the salt spreading where it's needed and prevent wastage on non-icy surfaces. For areas near vegetation, be mindful of salt spread as it can harm plant life.

Timing Your Salt Spreading for Peak Efficiency

The ideal time to spread salt is before the ice forms. Preemptively spreading can prevent ice from bonding to the surface, making it easier to manage. 

If you are dealing with existing ice, the best time to apply salt is in the early morning or late afternoon when the temperatures are typically higher, which aids in the salt’s effectiveness.

Monitor the weather forecasts closely. If a freeze is expected following a daytime thaw, an evening application can help prevent refreezing overnight. For extended cold periods, regular applications may be necessary.

Reapplication: Maintaining Safe Surfaces

Reapplication is as important as initial application. As foot traffic and vehicles move over the treated surfaces, salt can be dispersed away from where it's needed most. 

Keep an eye on the areas you've treated. If you see ice starting to form again or if more snowfall or rain has washed the salt away, it’s time to reapply.

Best Practices for Storage and Maintenance

It’s important to store your Jennychem Salt Spreader correctly after each use to ensure its longevity. Empty the hopper to prevent corrosion or clogging from clumped salt. Clean the spreader thoroughly, paying close attention to removing all salt residues, especially from metal parts, to avoid corrosion.

Regularly check the spreader for any signs of wear and tear, particularly on the moving parts and the hopper. Lubricate the gears and moving parts as recommended to keep everything working smoothly.

Remember that although you came here specifically to learn how to use a salt spreader, your Jennychem Salt Spreader is not just a winter tool. It’s a year-round investment. 

With proper use and maintenance, it will serve you for many winters to come, ensuring that you can quickly and effectively create safe, ice-free environments around your home or business.

Parting Thoughts on How to Use a Salt Spreader

That concludes our guide on how to use a salt spreader. As we've navigated through the essentials of effective salt spreading, remember that a Jennychem Salt Spreader is your frontline defense against winter's icy hazards. 

Proper setup, even distribution, strategic timing, and diligent reapplication are your keys to maintaining safe, slip-free surfaces. With our high-visibility, durable spreaders and top-quality de-icing salts, you're equipped not just to combat the frost, but to conquer it. 

We have the other winter products you need such as car antifreeze and antifreeze screenwash. And, we have all the other products you need to keep your property looking clean and tidy - from industrial patio and cleaner to weed killer, car snow foam, car shampoo, and more.

You also gain access to more resources like this one in our blog. We have tips on how much adblue to add, the best way to dry car after washing, windscreen washer not working, how to dilute screenwash, how to use snow foam, and a whole lot more.

From the best snow foam in the UK to the best salt spreader, you can count on us to provide you with solutions to protect your home, your vehicle, and yourself. 

So, what are you waiting for? Don’t let winter catch you off guard. Take the step now to ensure safety and efficiency with a Jennychem Salt Spreader. Select the ideal spreader for your needs and pair it with our pure, effective de-icing salts for peace of mind and protection!

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