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how to use weed killer

How to Use Weed Killer: Complete Guide to Using Weed Killer

Whether you’re struggling with weeds growing through your concrete or pavers or these pesky plants have infiltrated your garden or lawn, you want to eliminate them fast. 

Maybe you’ve even found a weed killer to use already - you just need some guidance on how to actually apply it. You’ve come to the right place. We’ll talk you through how to use weed killer so you can put this problem in the past fast, and prevent the weeds from returning in the future.

You’ll learn the importance of timing for when to spray weeds, how to actually spray them, and most importantly, how to choose the right weed killer if you haven’t already. 

We’ll start there since this influences your success in spraying weeds, but just know this - the strong weed killer you need for rapid removal of even the most persistent weeds is here at Jennychem. Order today and see for yourself why 10,000 gardeners and counting trust Weedex!

Choosing the Right Weed Killer to Use

Before we get into how to use weed killer, we need to help you choose the right one if you haven’t done so already.

There are many products you have at your disposal to address the weed problem you’re up against - from household remedies to commercial herbicides. 

But it’s important to select a product that aligns with your specific problem to give yourself the best chance of success. So, let’s start with a quick overview of the different types of weed killers out there and which is right for your property. 

Selective vs Non-selective Herbicides

Start by thinking about the area you intend to treat - are you going for a scorched earth approach, or are there other plants around that you need to protect? This will help you choose between selective and non-selective herbicides.

Selective herbicides are formulated to target specific types of weeds without harming surrounding grass or plants, making them great for lawns or agricultural areas where you want to preserve the desirable vegetation while controlling weed growth. They work by exploiting the biological differences between the weeds and the plants you want to thrive.

On the other hand, non-selective herbicides are a broad-spectrum solution that will kill almost all vegetation they come into contact with. Because of this, they are best used in areas where total vegetation clearance is needed, such as on driveways, walkways, or during the initial clearing of overgrown garden areas. 

Contact vs Systemic Herbicides

One of the most common questions we get is - how long does it take for weed killer to work? It mostly depends on whether you’re using a contact or systemic herbicide.

As the name implies, contact herbicides work only on the parts of the plant that they touch, causing damage to visible foliage quickly, often within hours or days. 

This type of herbicide is effective for annual weeds or young weeds that do not have extensive root systems. However, you may need more than one application for complete control.

In contrast, systemic herbicides are absorbed through the foliage and transported throughout the plant, from leaves to the very roots. They are effective for perennial weeds and can take several days to weeks to show full effects. 

We typically recommend systemic herbicides, as they kill the entire plant, including the root system, to reduce the chance of regrowth.

Pre-emergent vs Post-emergent Herbicides

Finally, you’ll need to determine whether you need a pre-emergent or post-emergent solution. This is fairly simple - do you have a weed problem right now? Choose a post-emergent. Are you looking to prevent weeds from popping up this season? Use a pre-emergent.

Pre-emergent herbicides stop weed seeds from germinating and are most effective when applied before the weed growth season begins. They create a chemical barrier at the soil surface that stops the developmental process of new seedlings. 

This type of herbicide is ideal for maintaining weed-free conditions but requires precise timing to ensure that the barrier is active when seeds begin to germinate.

Meanwhile, post-emergent herbicides are applied after the weeds have emerged and are visible. They are used to manage existing weed problems and can be either contact or systemic. 

The success of these herbicides can depend on the life cycle stage of the weed, as younger weeds are typically easier to control than mature ones. 

Chances are, you may need both in your weed management regimen. You can use preventative measures at the start of the season and then address the rare weed that manages to make its way through the chemical barrier with a post-emergent solution.

Why Weedex is the Most Effective Choice For Your Weed Problem

Now, what is the strongest weed killer you can get your hands on for the problem you’re facing today? Look no further than Weedex, available right here at Jennychem.

It targets both the visible parts of weeds and their root systems, ensuring comprehensive eradication and preventing regrowth. The broad-spectrum formula is effective against a wide variety of weed species, from broadleaf to invasive grasses, making it a versatile choice for any garden or lawn. 

You’ll also love how fast it acts - results are noticeable shortly after application. But despite being a strong line of defence against weeds, it’s also environmentally considerate and breaks down into harmless substances that don’t linger in the soil or waterways.

The best part, though, is that learning how to use weed killer is easy with this solution. Order yours today and learn how to kill weeds with Weedex below!

How to Use Weed Killer: Step-by-Step Guide to Using Weed Killer

Remember to always follow the directions on the specific herbicide you’ve chosen as guidelines may vary from product to product. We’ll walk you through how to use Weedex Super below so you can quickly and easily put this weed problem in the past once and for all.

Map Out Where You’re Going to Spray

Start by identifying where in your garden or lawn you need to spray. 

Mapping out these areas will help you determine the amount of Weedex Super you will need so you can cover all necessary areas without wastage. 

Pay special attention to the edges of lawns, garden paths, and between flower beds where weeds often emerge.

Wait for the Ideal Conditions

The best time to spray is during the growing season of weeds while the ground is still slightly moist - here in the UK, that tends to fall between March and October.

However, it’s also important that you wait for the ideal conditions to spray the solution, not just for effectiveness but for safety. 

Wait for a calm, dry day as wind can cause drift that not only compromises your results but also risks harming surrounding vegetation. Watch the forecast for rain, as you don’t want your hard work and precious product to get washed away shortly after application.

Diluting Your Weed Killer and Filling Your Spray Bottle

Weedex Super can be used neat for maximum strength or diluted 50:50 with water for more economical use. Choose the appropriate concentration depending on the severity of your weed problem. 

Fill a garden sprayer like the highly touted IK sprayers lineup or a watering can with the solution. If you are using a sprayer, ensure that it is clean and free from residues of any previous chemicals to avoid unintended reactions.

Techniques for Spraying Weeds Effectively

You should attempt to coat the leaves of the weeds thoroughly when spraying, as this is how it will get absorbed and work its way down into the root mass of the weed. 

Use a sweeping motion in dense areas so that you can completely cover the vegetation. A direct spray works fine for individual weeds. 

Make sure the ground is wet when applying Weedex, as this will prevent runoff to water bodies or drains while also maximising absorption to get you the best results. Here are some more tips:

  • Use a systematic approach: Start from one end of the treated area and work your way to the other end systematically to ensure no areas are missed. This is part of why beginning by mapping out your route is so important.
  • Maintain the right distance: Keep the nozzle about 6 to 12 inches away from the target weeds to prevent spray drift and ensure adequate coverage.
  • Adjust spray settings: Use a fine mist for broad coverage and a targeted stream for deep-rooted weeds to maximise the herbicide's contact with the foliage.

Manually Removing Weeds After They Die

Weeds typically start to show signs of distress within a few days of being sprayed with Weedex Super. Environmental conditions and the specific species/growth stage will influence this timeline, though.

Whenever you notice the weeds have visibly died, you should then come back to the garden with gloves and a hoe or weeder to manually remove them. 

This prevents viable seeds from being left behind to germinate later on. It also helps clear the area for desirable plants if you’re planning on replanting.

Follow Up Treatments as Needed

Weed control is an ongoing process, especially in areas prone to weed infestation or with a history of weed problems. Inspect the treated areas regularly and be prepared to carry out follow-up treatments if new growth appears. 

Applying Weedex Super as needed helps maintain control over the area and reduces the weed population over time. Keeping a regular schedule for reapplication, particularly during the peak growing seasons, can keep your weed problem at bay.

Final Thoughts on How to Use Weed Killer

There you have it - how to use weed killer to make that frustrating problem a distant memory, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor spaces to the fullest or supporting your garden to thrive.

Remember to map out your treatment areas, choose the right weather conditions for application, and apply Weedex Super accurately to target only the weeds. The only thing left to do now is get to work!

Our blog has more resources on topics like using salt to kill weeds, which engine coolant for my car, best way to dry car, how to melt ice on concrete, and more. 

Otherwise, order your Weedex Super if you haven’t already and put what you’ve learned into practice. It’s time to get the treatment started today so you can enjoy a more beautiful outdoor setting tomorrow!

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