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Grass Greening

  • 5KG Iron Sulphate Powder - Grass Greener  - JENNYCHEM

    5KG Iron Sulphate Powder - Grass Greener

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    Iron sulfate grass greener is a product used to promote healthy growth and green color in lawns and other turf. It contains iron sulfate, which helps to acidify soil and provide essential nutrients to the grass. This product can be applied as a powder or liquid to the grass, and is safe for use on most types of turf. With regular application, iron sulfate grass greener can help to improve the overall health and appearance of your lawn. Helps to acidify soil, making it more suitable for certain types of plants. Provides essential nutrients to grass, such as iron, which is necessary for chlorophyll production. Safe for use on most types of turf and can be applied as a powder or liquid. Can help prevent or correct iron deficiency in plants. Can be used to treat moss in lawns, as it helps to reduce the pH level of the soil. Environmentally friendly option for lawn care, as it is a naturally occurring mineral.

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